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Tourist Destinations In Nigeria (Popular and Unpopular)

Nigeria is seen as Africa's very own big apple when it comes to entertainment and tourism. It is a vibrant country whose pulse is felt as wide as its influence reaches. A discovery of opportunities at the very heart of Africa. Nigeria is seen as a country of constant reinvention, a country that has a lot to offer when it comes to tourism. Most events held in Nigeria have partnered with the various state governments in which the event takes place in order to enable the showcasing of various talents and also to promote tourism. Individuals from far and wide often attend these events thereby increasing occupancy rates of rooms in hotels, which leads to the increase in the growth of hospitality in Nigeria.
Nigeria is blessed with so many attractions, some are known, whereas others are not. A trip to Nigeria isn't complete without a visit to it's popular attraction sites such as;
i. "The fortress of Abeokuta"; Olumo Rock:
The Olumo Rock which is situated in Abeokuta is a choice of attraction site for many. It served as a fortress for the people of the Egba Land in the 19th century. It is said to have natural tunnels, unusual trees, natural cantilevers, gardens on the rock, broken pathways, monuments of the belief system of the rock’s primeval settlers, etc..
ii. The Yankari Game reserve, Bauchi State:
At this Reserve, there are different varieties of animal species of baboons, monkeys, antelope, zebras and the largest herds of elephants living in their natural habitats.
iii. Kajuru Castle, Kaduna State:
This is a medieval German style villa that was built more than 27years ago in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The castle is designed with several bedrooms modelled after dungeons and several towers with crenellated walls. It has an outdoor pool and its surrounded by mountains. The Castle also has its own Sauna!
iv. Obudu Mountain Resort, Cross Rivers State:
This resort is located on the Obudu Plateau, close to the Cameroon border in the Northeastern part of Cross Rivers State. It has an attractive landscape and calming ambience, with clouds smiling down on its peaks and valleys. It offers visitors a good blend of warm and cold temperature, as it has a very temperate weather. This resort is open to visitors throughout the year, the period between October and February is the best time to visit, as it is the time when the sky is very bright and the air is frosty.
v. Port Harcourt Pleasure Park, Rivers State:
The park boasts a wide range of facilities including an extensive children's playground, a miniature soccer field, 5 person peddle boats, each designed for drivers and 3 passengers and water steps with a miniature golf course. The park is also filled with various exercise machines ranging from simple walkers and massage machines to elliptical trainers. There is a jogging track, restaurants and a climbing tower.
There are various other tourist destinations that are hidden and you would love to visit to get that experience you won’t forget for a while.
i. Azumini Blue River, Abia State:
Azumini is located in Abia State. It is a very quiet village that attracts even expatriates to it. Azumini Blue River is a crystal-clear blue water that has a span of sand where one can kick back and relax in chairs. The smell of local delicacies, especially the seafoods would fill you in around the shores of this river. And also, the nightlife here is simply fantastic.
ii. Mbari Cultural Centre, Imo State:
Welcome to another home of ancient gods in Nigeria. We are talking about the Mbari Cultural Centre, an open space museum at Eke-Nguru in Aboh Mbaise, Imo State, where you are see many artifacts that depict local deities in Mbari, Imo State. These gods include Ogwugwu (forest god) and Amadioha (thunder god). Each of these deities has their messengers such as owl, monkeys, snakes, rams and tortoise. If you want to fully understand the Igbo aesthetic, this is where you should be.
iii. Igbo-Ukwu, Anambra State:
Igbo-Ukwu has become that ancient town a lot of tourists would love to visit. It was here bronze artifacts were first discovered in 1938 by Thurstan Shaw, an English archaeologist. This town is one of the most important places in Nigeria because of its three archaeological sites.
Source: Daily Times
iv. Silicon Hill, Enugu State:
We are not talking about the famous Silicon Valley of California. Our own Silicon Hill is in Enugu. It is more than 300 metres above sea level with a breathtaking scene. For the lovers, you can take your pre-wedding pictures here.
v. Birnin Kudu Rock Painting, Jigawa State:
The North may be boiling, but not the South of Jigawa State where the Birnin Kudu Rock Painting is located. These ancient paintings have been beautifully placed on these rocks to give you an idea of ancient history. A lot of tourists come around here to see the creativity of the early dealers in this part of the country.
Source: TOTNaija.
With all this in mind, why would one not want to invest in a country with diverse tourist destination. We all know about the security issues we face in Nigeria and we pray for the Nigerian government to make easier the access to these destinations and to also ensure the safety of both local and international tourist. Nigeria is a country that is blessed abundantly and we as a nation shouldn't take this for granted anymore.
Thanks for your time.

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